What’s up?

As expected, Rural Web has continued to grow and develop in the past half year. Developments took a slower pace than planned, but still: we can be proud of our achievements!
Rweb in action
Rural Web (Rweb) is a community of people who believe life long learning and ICT skills form the keys to development. Together we learn about how ICT fosters development and we make available our friendship, knowledge and some tools to help people apply ICT in reaching their own goals.
Our most valued…
Example: Most inspring person and organisation Richard Adarkwah explains in this video what Soft Production Africa wants to do for African youths.
Resource: University of the People (UoPeople) the world’s first non-profit, tuition- free, accredited online university dedicated to opening the gates to higher education for all individuals otherwise constrained.
Contributor: Delmo Lintouchable Ehui and his Lôr Bouôr Project – a platform of integrated services dedicated to agriculture to enable African countries to solve the problem of food security.
Sponsor: iMonitoring, which makes available its Social Media Monitoring tool and advise!
Join us
Rural Web is a network of individuals and organizations. We would like to invite more NGO’s and SME’s from both developed and developing nations to participate. In particular we would like to come in contact with organisations which work on improving ICT skills in developing countries.
Rural Web already loosely inspired a few ICT projects in Ghana and Kenya. The two Learning Circles (LCs) we have now form the basis for future, more applied LCs, for example in website development. Want to start your own learning circle? Then please join RwebLC for tips and help.
Join our learning circles
Learn about the state of the art in e-learning and how to create e-learning materials even if little funds and resources are available. Join RwebLC.
ICT4D is a lively sector. Many conferences and projects are dedicated to this theme, just like Rural Web. Learn how the ICT4D sector developed and which issues are hot. Join RwebICT4D.
Any questions?
Rural Web was initiated as an ICT support group. The idea was that people from developing countries could pose any ICT-related question and the community would try to help answer it. Questions like: How do I make a nice leaflet for my business? Where can I get a safe e-mail account, or how do I manage my finances in excel? Pose all your ICT questions in facebook.com/groups/rwebict
More facebook
To follow our news: facebook.com/ruralwebinfo
To participate and interact: facebook.com/groups/ruralweb
Photo courtesy: www.andersongrainmarketing.co.uk