
By visiting our website and following developments at Rural Web we hope to offer you a useful service. However, Rural Web is really not a website, but a community which through following certain habits helps each other in achieving goals. You may gain even more from Rural Web if you become an active member, following developments, giving feedback and creating materials that will benefit millions around the world. In turn, we will try to help you achieve whatever you want in life, using better ICT skills and making friends for life. 

Join us Online

Personal communication betwen Rural Web members still takes place vie e-mail. More general information is dispersed via newsletters. Further, our online community is active on facebook and we have accounts in many other online places where you can join us. Please follow us, join our discussions and be a social bookmarker like us, using the tags that connect

Partner Programme

Rural Web is setting up a partner programme. Although Rural Web was initially meant to be used by individuals, it was quickly realized that certain organizations will benefit from Rural Web too. To help these organizations make the most from Rural Web, we will post more information about our partner programme here. NGO’s & development

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