Open up ICT4D

Last Month I invited you all to participate in a global action which would last only 42 days: Open Up ICT4D

Under the slogan “Open up those closets, get out the ICT courses…” We invited you to send us the ICT courses you use and to contact institutes to do the same thing. The goal was to collect these courses in a central, public place, which would be created on May 31st.

The end of the action is nearing; closing date to send in ICT course information was on May 20. It is therefore high time to inform you how the action went and how we will proceed.

Results of the action

The closets remained locked – No ICT courses were sent in

The action unfortunately did not yield the desired results: No ICT courses were sent in at all. That was quite a disappointment, as we do still feel that there is a need for freely available ICT courses, to use in developing countries by individuals and NGO’s. We invite you to express your opinion on this topic via the facebook group and e-mail!

The response and number of people reached was quite high

Nonetheless, the action was not entirely without results: the action did attract a lot of attention, resulting in newly established relations which might bear fruit in the future.

So all in all, over 30 persons sought active interaction with Ruralweb as a result of the global action. Interactions via websites and social media often yield only very low response rates. A response rate of 10% would be very high. If we assume that our response rate is 10% or less, then this would imply that we reached over 300 persons with our action, which is quite an achievement in itself!

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