May 2011

A new Call 2 Action

On april 23 there was a meetup to talk about A Call 2 Action: United Universities. Firmin Soutime, Vanessa Nigten (our back-up coach) and myself (Cheryl van Kempen, the initiator) decided to end this call 2 action, because there was little support, the idea was hard to explain to others and it was too ambitious

Video: the idea

For the second AC2A, we were invited to prepare short movies to explain our idea. AC2A gave us a professional team to make these fantastic movies.

How it started

The idea for Rural web arrose after discussions among participants to the First Call 2 Action event. The idea was subsequently presented during the second event.  A Call 2 Action is an initiative of JongOS, a knowledge network of over 1200 Dutch young professionals that are connected who sympathize with international development cooperation. The year of ‘A

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